
Guoliang companys system actively deployed "golden nine silver ten" to tackle tough problems.

One stone stirs up thousands of waves. Since August 25, Guoliang Company issued a proposal to seize the "Gold Nine Silver Ten," the company's systems in-depth study and promotion. As early as the afternoon of August 21, the company's technical system has already held a symposium on raw material price increase, cost reduction, efficiency and potential tapping, General Worker Wang Yilong, Assistant General Manager Yao Chunzhan, Vice-General Worker Zhang Lianjin, Director of R&D Center Chen Yongqiang and all the backbone personnel above bachelor's degree in the technical system 20 people. Add, the general manager takes part in the discussion. On the spot of the meeting, the participants talked freely about how to reduce costs and increase efficiency, pioneer and innovate, and overcome difficulties in technology in view of the sharp rise in raw material prices such as magnesia and high alumina materials and the stricter smelting environment in steel plants at this stage. At the same time, the participants put forward specific proposals for reducing costs and increasing efficiency and shared them.

On the afternoon of August 26, more than 20 people from the backbone of the company's operating system participated in the meeting on the theme of "Fine on-site operation, cost reduction and potential tapping". Deputy Executive Vice President Liu Baosheng, Vice General Managers Cui Ying and Qi Jianzhou attended the meeting, and the general manager participated in the discussion.
At the meeting site, the backbone of each construction site in view of the current situation of bulk raw material prices, from the standardization of the construction process, refined process operation to strict site details assessment, refined management and other angles, actively offer suggestions, strive to start every construction site, strict control and reduce costs. On the one hand, each construction site must seize the golden season of Gold Nine Silver Ten Iron and Steel, on the premise of ensuring safe construction, stabilize product quality, fine operation technology, strengthen training, in-depth implementation of incentive assessment mechanism, and comprehensively improve the overall quality of construction personnel. On the one hand, all construction site personnel should earnestly implement the company's Gold Nine Silver Ten decision-making, will seriously understand the contents of the proposal, understand, digest, really from the idea to establish a cost awareness, and refine into each link, to make sure that the daily plan is insufficient, more than a year.
Dong Zong demanded that the technology and operation system rationalize the conference and implement the feasibility recommendations as soon as possible. In the current situation, the company encourages innovation, tolerance failure, technical personnel to increase the intensity of program improvement, equipment transformation, technical innovation, the company will give strong support. As the center of the company's profit realization, the management system is the key point of laying equal stress on innovation and practice, analyzing problems, and finding out the contradictions. We should vigorously advocate the craftsman's spirit, work one piece into one piece, and strive to reduce the monthly cost of 50,000 yuan per site. At the same time, the staff should establish a common vision with the company, strengthen the sense of belonging, pride, sense of responsibility, and contribute to the industry's first-class enterprises.
Aug. 27 production system branches also set off a serious study of the Gold Nine and Silver Ten Initiative climax, financial, enterprise management at the same time actively respond to the company's grabbing the Gold Nine and Silver Ten Initiative, recently also closely arranged the golden season system cost reduction and efficiency of the powerful measures.




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