
Guoliang company held an enlarged meeting of management cadres above grade level

On September 18, Guoliang organized the third quarter of the joint inspection of safety and cleaner production, and then held an enlarged meeting of management cadres at or above the department level in the conference room on the third floor of the staff's home. Systematic summary and analysis of the current situation of enterprises, clear future work objectives and directions, research and deployment of the next work tasks, for the company's strategic landing and year-round production and management objectives to achieve a strong guarantee.
The conference coincides with the golden season of nine gold and ten silver, in the face of soaring prices of raw materials and environmental protection, safety supervision under the pressure of a mobilization conference. At the meeting, the heads of various systems and major business departments reported on the situation and measures of their units. General manager Dong Guoliang attended the meeting and made a speech. Mr. Dong pointed out: At present, we are in a period of adversity in which the price of raw materials has doubled and the pressure of the industry to remove production capacity has increased. But adversity can stimulate fighting spirit and adversity can clearly see our own gaps and deficiencies. No progress is backward, slow progress is also a retreat. Since the beginning of this year, we have vigorously strengthened the standardization and rectification in all our work, and we can see that we have made a lot of progress. But we should clearly realize that people are making progress faster in many areas than we do.
Dong Zong stressed: management cadres at all levels should vigorously change their ideas. In environmental protection, safety and other matters related to the life and health of workers, must not be in order to cope with the superior inspection and acceptance and make a superficial statement, but to take a high degree of responsibility to employees and society. All managerial cadres should have a clear judgment of the current situation, and all departments should form a rapid response mechanism in case of accidents. The premise of reducing cost is to ensure stable quality, maintain customer credibility and avoid loss of gain.
Speaking of the fine management of construction site and 7S management of production site, General Dong further stressed that 7S management can not just do some Kanban, to understand each link thoroughly and implement in place. Managers at all levels should strengthen their learning ability, improve the level of meticulous management, and truly create a brand belonging to Guoliang Company.




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