
For a long time for work, continuous improvement!

Joint inspection of safety and cleaner production
In early spring March, it was warm and cold. In order to urge all units to do a solid job in safety and clean production, to lay a solid foundation for safety and environmental protection throughout the year, and to meet the requirements of compliance with the law, Guoliang launched a quarterly joint inspection of clean production and safety risks on March 20.
The large joint inspection activities involve a wide range of division of labor. Cross check the office and living areas, and then check the production site.

In the laboratory, staff of the inspection team meticulously searched for health corners and potential safety hazards.

Best Kanban workshop 7S Kanban obvious position, clear guidance!

In the product exhibition hall, the inspection team records the new achievements of the company in detail.

Workshop staff outside the rest room, surrounded by green plants, quite warm.
In order to ensure the smooth progress of the joint inspection and achieve practical results, the company issued a special inspection program for safe and clean production. A special organization has been set up with the principal leaders of responsible departments as group leaders, and the scope, division of labor, mode, region, basis and specific contents of the inspection have been clarified. The next day after the inspection, a joint investigation was issued within the company's scope.
Dong Guoliang, the general manager of the company, participated in the joint inspection and emphasized at the cadre conference immediately after the joint inspection that we should attach importance to the joint inspection, innovate the inspection methods, highlight the actual results of the inspection, guide the whole staff to form the daily habit of "stressing safety and environmental protection"; improve the management level of the company earnestly and continuously. Continuously improve work efficiency; accelerate the standardization process of the company; change ideas to strive to create a garden factory!
Clean city wash factory activities
Since February 24, 12 noon, the company started the "Heavy Pollution Weather Emergency Response Plan" after a complete shutdown, according to the municipal Party committee, the municipal government to build an ecological Tangshan work deployment and "Kaiping District Industrial and Information Technology Bureau on the development of industrial enterprises cleaning plant notice", take the initiative to carry out the work of cleaning factory premises. Because of long-term demand to stop production, workers vacation, workshop director drove sprinkler, the production department leader rolled up his sleeve to personally wash the factory.

Management staff at the grassroots level
In order to continuously improve the professional level and service awareness of the enterprise management system, a few days ago, all the managers of the enterprise management system unified the company's branches and workshops, in-depth understanding of the production layout and process, equipment, and invited Vice-President Wang Haiyong to explain the overall situation of the production workshop for everyone, the production department leadership Wu Yan, Zhang Yulong We enthusiastically explain the production process in detail.




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