
銅川Light Weight Castable

Detailed introduction

It is made of light weight aggregate, high temperature expansion filler, binder and admixture

Features: small bulk density and good thermal insulation performance

Applications: petrochemical tubular furnace and rolled steel furnace flue, chimneys and hot air pipeline lining

Main physical and chemical performance index:

Light Weight Castable

Note: TNQN-60 and TNQN-80 are applied to insulation lining of furnace roof, TNQN-100 and TNQN-120 are applied to insulation lining of 

furnace roof and furnace lining, TNQN-135 is applied to low temperature furnace roof, TNQL-150 and TNQM-180 are applied to high temperature

furnace roof, regenerator and the connected channel




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