
Guoliang company solemnly convenes the celebration of the May 1 and the commendation conference of the model workers

Labor is the most glorious and the most happiness.
On April 30, Guoliang held a May Day celebration and Labor Model Recognition Conference in the multi-functional office of the company's main office building to celebrate the 128th International Labor Day. The conference calls for firm confidence, seeking truth and pragmatism, learning from the model workers, establishing a concept of struggle and happiness, creating a strong cultural atmosphere of striving and progress, unity of the upper and lower levels, bauxite magnesia into gold.
General manager Dong Guoliang attended the meeting and delivered an important speech. More than 200 companies attended the meeting.
At 2 p.m., the conference opened in the song of "the song of Guo Liang".

Hai Yong, vice president of production, made a summary of the work in the golden quarter on behalf of the production system. General Wang said that in the past two months, due to frequent response to the implementation of heavy pollution weather emergency warning, as well as the shortage of some raw materials, normal shifts were disrupted, resulting in extremely adverse effects on production organizations. However, under the correct decision-making of the company, the production system overcomes all difficulties, and the production department organizes various factories and workshops to practice their internal skills: first, to organize training by means of shutdown time; secondly, to organize skills contest to set off a "learning skills, long-term talent" craze; thirdly, to increase the technical transformation of equipment and improve the present situation from the source. Field work environment, for "create green refractories, create a garden factory" unremitting efforts.

Labor creates the world and creates glory; labor models lead innovation and help to depict the bright future. A scene play, "the staff of Guoliang company", let participants attend the meeting.

Executive vice president Liu Baosheng read the commendation decision of the labor model. In the cheerful music, the company leader presented the award to the winning individual. Thunderous applause broke out.。

Labor model representatives Zhang Jinrong, Quhonghe and Zhang Shi made award-winning speeches respectively. They did not publicize and exaggerate. They concentrate on production, technology and construction. In ordinary posts, they overcome one difficult problem after another, created extraordinary achievements, compose them with their own personality charm, diligence and wisdom. A work hymn of love and dedication, striving for first class, selfless dedication and pioneering work.

On behalf of the leading group of the company, General Manager Dong Guoliang first extended his Festival congratulations to all the staff and workers, and expressed his lofty respect to the 35 commended model workers. He said that "May 1" International Labor Day is a holiday for laborers and a festival for struggling people. A model worker is a valuable asset of the company and an excellent representative of all employees. Thank them for their contribution to the development of the company, and hope that they will keep honor in their future work, and make further efforts to achieve good results.
In carrying forward the spirit of model workers, strengthening confidence, seizing opportunities, deepening implementation, bold innovation and other aspects, General Dong put forward clear requirements.
Dong Zong pointed out:
Carry forward the spirit of model workers and build strong positive energy to build happiness.
The labor model is the pioneer of promoting the healthy development of the company and building the bright country of happiness. Although they are different in their jobs, they demonstrate the common spirit and spirit of enterprise. They have a high degree of ownership spirit, selfless enthusiasm for labor, quietly in the post of glow fever. All the cadres and workers of the company should learn from the model workers, learn their dedication and dedication, learn their team spirit of obeying the overall situation, mutual help and friendship, broaden their horizons, pursue new knowledge, master new skills, enhance their learning ability, innovation ability and competitiveness, and boost their confidence. To build a strong positive energy of happiness.
Facing difficulties, strengthening confidence and rushing ahead
Facing the pressure of environmental protection, staggered peak production, as well as the challenge of new products updating from downstream customers, we are forced to see that the road to the future must be changed, and the pursuit of perfection and improvement is the magic weapon to promote enterprises to a higher level. The so-called "no accumulation of steps, no even thousands of miles". Through the accumulation of innovation, technological reform and development over the past few years, enterprises still need to move forward on the important inflection point of taking advantage of the situation. Since the beginning of this year, the company's production system has been to Jiangyin, Jiangsu Province, Shandong Province, Qingdao, and other places to investigate the dry material production line, premixed powder batching production line transformation, is now steadily advancing; early in the technical system for each contract site, the establishment of special personnel, special on-site tracking guidance, so that technology, construction site formation of guidance, cooperation and mutual. It has set up an emergency command center and set up two new departments in the management system. Its elite team has actively developed the projects of Fengnan Iron and Steel Co., Chifeng Far Lian Iron and Steel Co., Wuhan New Gold Steel Co., Hegang Caofeidian Co., Ltd., and has successfully taken over new customers from Dadonghai, Shanxi Jianlong, Fujian Special Steel Co., Ltd. and standardized the management system of the company. The project went forward in an orderly way. In a word, under the multi-pronged management, the company has constantly changed its ideas, innovated methods and improved efficiency in production, management, technology and management, which has made the enterprise take a solid step on the road of scientific and standardized operation.
Without the hardships of the process, we can not taste the joy of success. Therefore, all cadres and workers are required to withstand the temper of overcoming difficulties, carry forward the spirit of model workers, with a pragmatic style, flexible methods, a variety of ways to carry out the company's development ideas and objectives in an all-round and in-depth manner.

Strengthen learning, deepen training and improve the quality of the whole staff
"Knowledge changes destiny, learning to create wealth," from the long-term development of enterprises, we are in a critical period of transformation and upgrading. New situations and problems emerge in endlessly, which urgently requires us not only to have firm belief, positive spirit and strong sense of responsibility, but also to fully realize the importance and urgency of strengthening enterprise strategy and speeding up the construction of high-quality staff and workers from the overall situation and strategic height. In order to further promote the staff to learn knowledge and improve their quality, the production system implements a monthly one-day full-staff training day activities and in-depth promotion of technical competition, the method is effective and feasible. In May, the company continued to carry out the Management School of North China University of Technology for the second half of our management cadre training work; I hope you will continue to adhere to the training work to form a normal trend, in training secondary schools, in practice, really learn to apply, knowledge into the actual ability to work, in order to enhance the enterprise Soft power has become the backbone of the development of enterprises, laying a solid foundation for the development of enterprises.
Love and respect work, deepen execution, and boldly innovate.
Love and dedication is a strong sense of responsibility. Responsibility determines executive power, and execution is combat effectiveness. The model worker here has set an example for all cadres and workers. Each of our employees should learn from them, consciously link their ideals and goals with the interests of the company, the company's development, the company's future, unite and unite to form a joint force and impetus to promote the development of the enterprise, seize the golden season of production, overcome environmental pressure, flexibly respond to, and create high yield and quality. Successful completion of the one hundred day goal.
Innovation is the soul of an enterprise. If enterprises want to develop with full stamina, they must continue to focus on innovation-driven, with new ideas, new initiatives, new methods to help enterprises develop. In the labor mold just elected, production system, such as the ventilating brick workshop Huang Shuai, technical transformation of the mixer discharge port to solve the molding sprinkler and super high product mold feeding problem. Zhang Hongjian strengthened the operation at the site of Jinxi, the ladle life was increased to 109 times and Liu Limin innovated the operation at the rolling site, and the ladle life was increased to an average of 130 times, which made the rolling site turn losses into profits directly. For example, Wang Guanglin went deep into the scene, personally demonstrated, trained, explained, and strengthened the operation innovation, so that the rate of continuous slip in the East China Sea was raised to more than 1.8; for example, Jiangle developed G-type dry materials, the cost was reduced by 50 yuan / ton, and the implementation of 80 # dry materials paving, the cost was reduced by 200 yuan / ton, and the monthly cost was reduced by more than 200,000 yuan.
We should learn from the spirit of these model workers who are brave to innovate, use system innovation, mechanism innovation and technological innovation to fundamentally solve the deep-seated contradictions that hinder the development of enterprises, and lay a solid foundation for the development of enterprises.
Technological innovation has now become an effective means to deal with the crisis, pioneering innovation, creating new green refractories, is our main keynote. From 2018 to 2020, the company plans to invest 20 million yuan to improve the level of experimental testing equipment and infrastructure research and development equipment; plans to introduce and train 5 PhD, 20 Master's, 50 junior college students; plans to complete more than 10 provincial and municipal science and technology or product development projects, to achieve more than 20 technical achievements transformation. Therefore, the company's technical system to make good use of all resources to speed up the development of new products and promote the speed of industrialization of products, which is not only the current market changes to our urgent requirements, but also a severe challenge we are facing. In order to carry forward the spirit of craftsmen and build a century-old brand, R&D centers must take active action to catch up with the times, develop new products and improve product quality, so as to enhance the ability of enterprises to resist risks, to stand firm in the market competition, and to make enterprises continuously enhance the vitality and power of development.
Meticulous management, taking measures to reduce costs and reduce consumption
In order to meet the needs of market changes, enterprises should change their extensive management methods to the maximum extent. Use your brain, think of ways, fine management, starting from the daily details, sort out the problems in energy saving and consumption reduction work. We should not only change our work style and methods, take effective measures to mobilize the enthusiasm and creativity of the whole staff, take efficiency as the grasp, continue to tap the potential within, achieve cost reduction and efficiency, in order to effectively enhance the market competitiveness of products and improve the economic efficiency of enterprises.
At the same time, the company should take advantage of the process of standardization to promote, firmly grasp the management, constantly establish and improve the management system, further standardize the operation, refine the responsibility, improve the efficiency and effectiveness of implementation, strengthen supervision, ensure that the management system, management measures to achieve actual results, truly practice internal skills.
Seize opportunities, develop new markets and improve effective market share.
To do well in market development is the fundamental guarantee for the survival and development of enterprises. Although we have developed several new customers and our orders are increasing, there is still a big gap between our output and quality and other excellent enterprises of the same kind. Production system, technical system and management system must hold a tripartite work docking meeting every month since February. We hope to persist in the long-term, tripartite cooperation, seamless docking, do our utmost to seize the opportunity to strengthen the superior products, superior the inferior products and seize the market. The technical service department should firmly establish the idea of serving customers, strive to improve the level and quality of service, carry out omni-directional, multi-level and personalized services, meet the needs of users, expand market share and serve enterprises




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